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Assigning keyboard shortcuts to LogiTerm toolbar buttons

After you install LogiTerm, we suggest that you add keyboard shortcuts to your favorite LogiTerm commands. For example, taking selected text and searching for it in LogiTerm, pasting unformatted text, etc. Be careful not to overwrite MS Word shortcuts already created.

In MS Word, access the File menu => Options.

When you exit MS Word, answer Yes if Word asks you if you want to save changes to Normal.dot.

Here are the names of the macros assigned to LogiTerm's toolbar buttons, going from left to right:

Toolbar screen-tip Macro
Open my record creation file cmdSelDocFiches
Create new record cmdCreerFiche
Create a record from term cmdHabilFiche
Save current record cmdEnregFiche
Insert selected domain cmdInserDom
Insert selected source cmdInserSou
Insert selected remarks cmdInserRem
Insert braces cmdAccolades
Paste as unformatted text cmdCollerTexte
Open Fuzzy Matches tool cmdLogiTrans
Clean up pretranslation cmdNettoyer
Query LogiTerm cmdRechLogiTerm
Change toolbar language cmdInfoBul
Delete source term and brackets of equivalent LogiTerm_NettoyerProchainTerme
Convert number syntax from English to French LogiTerm_RemplacerNombres_ENGFRA_1

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