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The Newsletter LogiTerm
Number 19, January 2013
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LogiTerm Training

A French LogiTerm training session will be held in Montreal on February 6th. For all the details, please access the following: LogiTerm Training.

Tips and tricks

Wondering what the LogiTerm Full Text database could be useful for? Here are a few ideas.

  1. Say you have a large project comprised of 20 documents to be translated, whatever the format is. Your first reflex should be to place those documents in a separate folder on your computer, create a Full Text module linking to that folder and index the documents. So, while translating, you can search terms in context in all the documents of the project at the same time.
  2. You just found a few glossaries on the Web in PDF or other format. You can save them on your computer and search them all in one go with a Full Text module.
  3. Few freelancers have created a "Billing" Full Text module in which Excel files are indexed. They use that Full Text module to trace billing information about their clients.

Among other unique functions, the Full Text database adds a great deal of flexibility to LogiTerm. Unlike LogiTerm, traditional translation memory tools can only search in bilingual corpora thus limiting the possibilities of the software.

New stuff in Terminotix Toolbar

The Terminotix Toolbar has recently been updated. If you already installed the toolbar, we invite you to download the update. We added the user manual to download from our Web site. We also added a how-to video of the toolbar on YouTube.

The new features are:

New YouTube Videos

Terminotix just uploaded three new videos with audio (French). These videos present basic functions of LogiTerm.

Powerful Duo!

Want to quickly import a bilingual Website into your translation memory tool? HTTrack (www.httrack.com) and AlignFactory perfectly combine to conduct such a task. HTTrack is a Web site copier that enables you to download an entire Web site on your computer automatically. Once the files are downloaded, you can launch AlignFactory on those files to either create bitext files or TMX files automatically! Take note that you might need technical knowledge to set HTTrack filters depending on how the Web site is built.

About Terminotix

Founded by translation professionals over ten years ago, Terminotix Inc. is a company specializing in computer-aided translation (CAT). Terminotix aims to help linguistic services departments and translation firms boost the performance of coordinators, translators, editors and terminologists through effective CAT solutions. To know more about Terminotix, please write at sales@terminotix.com.

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